完成该课程的学生将获得基督教教育领导文学学士学位. 开始攻读学位有时看起来很复杂,但我们的工作人员会帮助你变得更容易. 无论是经济援助还是申请建议,我们都在这里提供帮助. Students without a prior bachelor's degree will need to complete 通识教育 和 elective requirements to complete their degree. Students with an existing bachelor’s degree will receive a second BA in Christian Education Leadership (CEL) as part of this program.
Christ College offers the online Director of Christian Education certification for those who need to progress in their career as a DCE with the LCMS. After finishing the coursework for your CEL degree, 你将完成在lms教会的实习,才有资格被呼召为DCE.
CEL与DCE项目让您可以选择在您居住的任何地方学习, 和 accommodate your schedule around extracurricular activities, 比如家庭和工作. 定期安排课程可以让你与教授和课程工作保持联系. 我们提供课程表、虚拟讲座和一个更大的网络来与其他学生联系.
学生将被要求在夏季完成为期两周的在校实习, one of which will be associated with CED 450 Counseling in Ministry. 这是体验奥兰治县阳光海岸的绝佳机会, network with like-minded students 和 meet your Professors.